Celebrate Brooklyn! Festival Opening Day 2024

Photos and Writing by Kyle Ostrander

Every summer, the culture and media organization BRIC hosts a series of concerts in Brooklyn’s Prospect Park called Celebrate Brooklyn! Having run for nearly 50 years now, these shows have become a welcome and well-loved part of the community. This year’s inaugural show was on June 8th, and featured a multitude of talented performers.

Up first were the Asase Yaa Youth Ensemble, who brought skillful drumming and impressive dancing to the stage. The drumline alternated between playing synchronized beats as a group, and taking the spotlight with individual solos. Dancers waiting in the wings of the stage would often run front-and-center to showcase beautifully choreographed ensemble routines. The group even spent time during their set teaching the crowd a few dance moves, and inviting everyone to stand up and dance with them.

Next was hip-hop artist and environment activist Xiuhtezcatl. Jumping right into his set, Xiuhtezcatl energetically went through his first several songs before pausing to take in the moment. “We’re standing in the birthplace of hip-hop right now! How amazing is that?? I feel so incredibly lucky to be here” said the rapper before kicking into more of his catchy beats and flowing lyrics. The welcoming crowd was dancing and bobbing their heads for his entire set.

Closing out the show were The Halluci Nation, an electronic duo comprised of indigenous Canadian members Bear Witness and Tim “2oolman” Hill. The two put on a spectacular set combining elements of hip-hop, electronic, moombahton, and dubstep into their signature sound. “Where are my fellow indigenous people at? This next one’s for you!” exclaimed the band at one point. Several times during their set, the group was joined on stage by skillful dancers who bounced around and hyped up the crowd. “Brooklyn! Throw your hands up and follow us!” the group cheerfully yelled before they led the crowd to jam out together in unison. The entire venue was on their feet dancing, as every song flowed effortlessly into the next, never letting the energy drop.

The full list of BRIC’s Celebrate Brooklyn! summer shows, including both free and ticketed events, can be found here.




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