Saint Motel brings their Awards Show to The Filmore in Charlotte, NC

AND THE AWARD GOES TOOOOO…….On Monday April 15, 2024 Saint Motel brought their “Awards Show,” to The Fillmore in Charlotte, North Carolina. This particular stop on their “Awards Show,” featured openers Lound Music Company, and Steinza.

The first opener for the show was Lound Music Company. Lead singer Lilly shared an emotional thank you while on stage to Saint Motel for letting them perform. The band is originally from Willington, North Carolina, but have been trying to branch out and tour with more artists. Lilly, shared that before touring with Saint Mortel they reached out to many artists and bands, and as she quotes, “I was beginning to get excited when we got told no, because at least we heard back.” This could be said for many things happening in ones life, so the audience laughed at her story, and resonated with it. Loud Music Company showcased their determination, passion, and heart during their performance.

After Loud Music Company got the audience ready to hear some live music, the one man band that is Steinza. Steinza was very engaging with his stories of how he came about writing his songs. He shared that his name is spelled almost like FrankenSTEIN. One of the stories behind his songs, was told about falling in love with his dental hygienist, and how instead of asking her out he wrote a song about it instead. He got the audiences’ undivided attention. Both bands got the audience in the mood for an awards show!

After Loud Music Company and Steinza delivered their emotional performances, it was time for the main act! Saint Motel is an American Indie Pop band, often listed into the categories of Dream Pop or Progressive Indie. This Los Angeles based band consists of members AJ Jackson, Aaron Sharp, Greg Erwin, and Dak Lerdamornpong. Their tour is to promote their album, but had a unique flavor to it. When doors to the show are open they put QR codes all around the venue, for fans to scan and VOTE for the songs they will sing that night. “AWARD SHOW,” style. Almost like they are at the Academy Awards! What is so unique about this, is that it makes EVERY stop on their tour different. They do not know which songs they will be singing in what order, until the audience votes. They then present an envelope with the winner of that round, or song. This is done throughout the entire show, and they had band members, members of the venue staff, and even an audience member reading out the winners. In between songs they had a back drop that would play tributes or show clips of old timey awards shows, just like something you would be at the Academy Awards. They also had that music intro to game shows/ award shows that always plays towards the beginning or when something good happens!

Saint Motel does an incredible job of adapting to whatever song is voted on to sing each time. They truly love to put on a SHOW! At one point they gave a fan a golden wine glass, or goblet and said it was their “Lifelong achievement award for drinking and needing to have fun.” Not only is Saint Motel very talented, they are also VERY engaging with the audience too, bringing fans on stage, giving fans gold goblets, creating an interactive show, and dancing through the audience. At one point while taking pictures in the audience, the lead singer danced and sang his way to the bar and got up onto the bar, with safety glasses and sang, danced, and interacted with the fans and bar tenders around the bar. He even danced with some of the lights at the bar! He had the audience literally following his EVERY move from on stage, to at the bar, to opening the next song winner, to back on stage. They sang songs such as “Just my type,” “MOVE,” which has appeared in commercials, “A good song never dies,” and more. The audience ATE their ENTIRE show up, dancing and going crazy to be singled out or pulled on stage. It was one of the most unique and entertaining shows I have seen in a long time, and kept you guessing what they would do next! They really put all they had, and more into each small detail of their “Awards Show. “The most creative show award goes to….SAINT MOTEL!

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