Alkaline Trio returns to the Queen City at the Filmore.

Photos and Review by Adam Rodrigues

3/3/2024 – Alkaline trio returned to Charlotte, North Carolina, in support of their newest album “Blood , Hair and Eyeballs” They packed the Filmore once against as their diehard fans have longed for their return.

Once again, they played another set list of old vs. new. Kicking it off from tracks off their newest album to sprinkling in classics like “calling all skeletons” and “radio” , they continue to play with the same amount of energy I saw them play with nearly 20 years ago.

This was my first show seen them with their newest drummer, Atom Willard and I was a bit skeptical at first. His enthusiasm, technical skills behind the drum set, precision fills and explosive movement was enough to have me sign off and welcome him into this community of fans that love this band so much.

Matt and Dan performed with their normal charm and showmanship, and another magical night was created by the presence of this legendary band

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